Sunday, November 16, 2014

Discover Oman Day 1 - Ghala Hike

Today First Graders embarked on a great adventure!  They felt the natural hot springs in Ghala and hiked up the mountain and back down.  They had many observations and wonders during their hike.  Here are some of those observations and wonders:

How did the water get THAT hot?
Why are there shells up on a mountain where there is no ocean?
Why do some bugs crawl and others fly?
How did that rock get like that?  (it looked like a big turtle head)
How long did it take to make a falaj?  Who made this one?
Why are there all those holes in the side of the mountain?

Things 1JT observed:
a big black beetle, bees, stick bugs, trees, rocks with crystals inside, many different size, shape and color rocks, goats, butterfly, flies, holes in the rocks, the falaj system, the hot spring, a fan that sprays water, caves, palm trees..... and so much more!

Pictures of Our Day

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