Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rainbow Day! Check your child's folder


Rainbow Day
Dear Parents,

You are invited to attend Rainbow Day on Thursday, January 15th, 2015, and watch your child,­­­­­­­_________ , participate in the fun. All children will be organized into color groups.  Your child’s color group is.. CHECK YOUR CHILD’S LETTER FOR THEIR COLOR

Here is some information you will need for Rainbow Day.

Dress Please send your child in a shirt in their color, athletic clothes and closed toed athletic shoes.  They can wear shorts, a shirt, sash, scarf, bandanna and ribbons to support their color group.  Your child should also bring a water bottle, a hat, and wear sunscreen!

8:45 Opening ceremony
9:00 K-2 and 3-5 Games
10:20 Snack break in classroom
11:00 K-5 games
11:45 Picnic
12:20 Dismiss to classrooms then buses

Picnic Please send your child with a cold sack lunch. Sandwiches, fruit, vegetables and juice boxes are good choices. Please do not send anything that your child will need to microwave.  Room parents will organize cookies and fruit for a dessert for each class.  Each class will sit together to enjoy this picnic lunch outside under the shade of the playground.  Parents are invited and encouraged to bring their own lunch and join their children for this community picnic at 11:45 after Rainbow Day concludes. 

Rainbow is a community event, we hope you are able to come enjoy Rainbow Day and the picnic with your child(ren).

Josh Takayoshi, Effie Stone, and Luther Rauk,             

More to Share!

Please take a look at the 1JT Student blog to see ALL of 1JT's most recent published books and share them with friends and family.  

Monday, December 15, 2014

Thank you for celebrating our learning with us today!

Plants, Plants, Plants

We are in full swing of our new inquiry unit:  Living Things.  We have started our unit off by studying plants.  We have dissected seeds and learned about the different parts of a seed.  We have explored different types of seeds, soil, full grown flowers and other types of plants.  We have even planted our very own azuki beans! Below are some pictures of our scientists as they experiment with plants.

Using the Pic Collage App to take pictures and identify parts of a plant.  The students will post their learning on the student blog soon.  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Important Information and Reminders

Author Celebration Tomorrow
9:45 - 10:15 - sharing
10:15 - 10:35 - special snack
**special snack is just for you and your child, bring a small blanket to sit on for your snack picnic**

The Home Folder includes in 
it today:
School Pictures (if ordered)
Report Card
Writing from August -  

 K-2 Music Concert
Wednesday, December 17th
2:00 - 3:00